
Sharing Boards: Access Management

new-share-dialog3.gifYou can access the Share dialog for a board from the upper right corner of the board, or from the more options menu in the boards overview. Boards can be shared with one of three access types, in combination with 3 different roles (Editors, Reviewers, Readers): 

  • Specific users (default for new boards)
  • Link and password (with default access role)
  • Anyone with the link (with default access role)

Board access for non-team members

Conceptboard protects information from unsolicited board access. Starting from January 12th 2023, team administrators can now enable restrictions for non-team members accessing all newly created boards. This setting will be binding for all users within the team. Non-team members are guests, free account users and users from other teams.

Team administrators can set up a preferred board sharing setting for non-team members. Unless specified otherwise, this setting will mostly impact the “Anyone with the link” sharing option.

There are three settings available for administrators to select from:

  1. Non-team members can be invited to all boards
  2. Non-team members need to provide a password on unprotected boards
  3. Only team members can be invited to collaborate

Specific users


By default a new board has the access setting 'Specific users', meaning the board is private to the board owner. Guest access is disabled. Each board participant you invite, must sign in with their Conceptboard account.

The access to the board is connected to the email address you invited. If a user wants to access the board with a different account, they can request access, or you can invite the correct email address to grant access. 

Pending board access requests will be visible at the top of the invite tab. 

For teams, whose "Only team members can be invited to collaborate" is activated by their administrators in Team Settings, boards can be shared ONLY with other users from THEIR team.


Link and password


To turn on link sharing, click on 'Create link' or switch over to the 'Access settings' tab and toggle on link sharing. The password is autogenerated. Guest access is now enabled. The default access role is Reviewer. 

Important notes: 

  • For teams, whose "Non-team members can be invited to all boards" is activated by their administrators, participants you directly invite to the board will not have to enter the password. They will have the role you selected for them. 
  • For teams, whose "Only team members can be invited to collaborate" is activated by their administrators, boards can be shared ONLY with other users from THEIR team. Free account users, guests and users from other teams will be unable to access boards.
  • For teams, whose "Non-team members need to provide a password on unprotected boards" is activated by their administrators, participants you directly invite to the board and who do not belong to your team will have to enter the password. They will have the role you selected for them. 
  • Anyone entering the board directly via the shared board url will need the password. For example, if you share the board link in a chat channel, make sure to also share the password. They will have the default access role. You can change their role after they have joined the board. 



Anyone with the link

Toggle off the password to switch to anyone with the link access mode. Guest access is enabled. The default access role is Reviewer.

  • Administrator's mode Non-team members can be invited to all boards



  • Administrator's mode Non-team members need to provide a password on unprotected boards



Important notes: 

  • For teams, whose "Only team members can be invited to collaborate" is activated by their administrators, boards can be shared ONLY with other users from THEIR team. Free account users, guests and users from other teams will be unable to access boards.
  • For teams, whose "Non-team members need to provide a password on unprotected boards" is activated by their administrators, participants who do not belong to your team will have to enter the password, direct invitation to the board or simple link sharing notwithstanding. Link sharing without a password is forbidden in this setting for non-team users. They will have the role you selected for them. 

Guest access on free boards

On free boards, guest access is limited to Reviewer/Reader. You can still set the default role to Editor, as logged in users can be Editors. 

Inviting board participants


You can invite users to the board when you are:

  • Owner
  • Editor (and Owner has not toggled off the Editors can manage participants option)

You can invite participants by searching and selecting their user in your contact list, or by entering an email address.

To search for team members not in your contact list, start by typing the user name and select "Search team members to find more results" on the dropdown. This action will search through the users from the team and present suggestions accordingly.

After defining the users to be invited, choose the role and click 'Share' to send out the invitations.

There is a limit of 200 board invitations you can send out per day, so if you are sharing the board with a large class or team event, please make sure you share the board link in a shared chat/class wiki.

Participants tabparticipants_tab.png

Here you can search through and see all board participants and their current role on the board.  Click on the user image to bring up more information about the user.

  • Users can click on their own name and choose to leave the board. This removes their access and the board from their boards overview.
  • Owners may transfer ownership of the board to another participant.
  • Owner/Editors can change the role of individual users, or use the multi-select to change roles/remove up to 50 participants at a time.multiselect.png

Access settings


The access settings tab allows board Owners to change the board access mode, and toggle on/off the Editors' ability to manage participants and change the board access mode. 



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