
Joining a Team as a single User or Free User

Private Users can use Free Accounts - Commercial Users are Part of a Team

Free Conceptboard users who are part of a company which operates a professional Conceptboard team should join this team to ensure their own compliance with the Conceptboard terms of use and in most cases their companies' compliance with data security standards and data protection policies.

Free user accounts are not suitable for professional collaboration on boards and with users of professional teams. For temporary compliant collaboration with colleagues on professional boards, the board guest function can be used  - for permanent collaboration with full functionality on professional boards, the users should join or create a professional team.

Please see this page for more details and to assess if your free user account is suitable for your collaboration with the professional team: 


I want to join or create another team, how can I do that?

To be able to join another team, you must either:

  • be alone in your current team

  • be a free user

  • change and activate a different email address so you have two accounts with separate email addresses, one for each team

This is due to the fact that the team invitation migrates your account into the new team (this is why you have to be invited and confirm the invitation).

If your team is made up of more than 1 user, you may have to be downgraded first. You can check who is part of your team from your Users page.


If you still need to join a different team, the team administrator of your current team can downgrade your account to remove you from the team.

You can see who is an administrator on your account from your Users page.

The administrator can remove you from the team by going to their Users page and following this downgrade user walk-through

Note to Administrators:
Please make sure to downgrade the user and not delete them, as deletion is permanent and the user will lose all boards and information. Those cannot be restored. 
Once your account has been downgraded, you can use the invitation link to join the second team, or create your own team from the Plan & Payment page. 

Note to Users who want to or have joined another team:
Joining another team happens instantly and results in the loss of any paid subscription credit on the current account as well as the loss of access to projects and boards which the user did not create or is the current owner of. The admins of the inviting team will be able to delete the user account. The inviting team will be charged for the user license of the invited user according to the current settings of their commercial plan.

You may also change and activate a new email address to be associated with your current account, from the Edit Profile page. Once you have activated a new email address, the old account will be associated with the new email address, allowing you to create a new user as part of the second team. 


I invited an existing user to my team but I have an error message

The user is most likely already part of another team. The user will first have to be removed from their current team. Please send them these instructions on how to be downgraded from a team


I clicked on the team invitation, but got a 404 page

This can happen if you are on a shared computer or have a problem with your browser cookies. Please check the account you are logged in with by going to your Account page, and clicking the Edit Profile tab. You can double check that your email address and account are correct.

Make sure all other Conceptboard tabs are closed first (boards, etc.) and then log out. 

Click the invitation link again and log in. Check out the invitation walk-through to see screenshots of the process.  


I clicked the invitation but I get a 'You have not joined the team' page


You are most likely already in a team. The top headline shows you the name of the team you are currently in, while the bold team name in the text is the team you are trying to join. You have different options now. Please see top of page.


All members of my team need to be migrated to another team

If all the members of your current team need to be migrated, a team administrator can downgrade the entire team at once. Check out the team downgrade walk-through for screenshots and more information.

Once your team has been successfully downgraded, you can follow the regular process described above to join the second team. 



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