
Board Approvals

Board Approvals in Conceptboard allow you to request final approval from your teammates or clients after you've completed your feedback rounds. Quick tips for working with Approvals:

Many teams prefer to keep all iterations in the same board so they can come back and view the process again. Make sure to mark the final version clearly in the board. You can do this by using colored sections and making the section the initial start position. This way, Approvers are taken directly to the right location in the board when they enter it. 

If you prefer to work with projects, create a fresh board for the final versions. Make sure to use a descriptive name and then start the Approval process. 

Accessing the Workflow Dialog

From the Boards pageclick on the three-dot-menu next to the board title and select the 'Workflow' option to open the workflow dialog


Or it can also be reached within a board by clicking on @All participants and then on Open Workflow next to the title of the board.


How to Start a Board Approval

Only the Board Owner or Board Editors may start an Approval process, and you must first share the board with users before you can request their approval. 


To start an approval process:

  1. Open the Workflow dialog
  2. Click on ‘Request approval’
  3. Select the user(s) that need to approve the board. 
  4. Set a due date for the approval.
  5. Click on ‘Start approval’.

Approvers get email and app notifications about the approval request, and they also see a pending approval banner on the board tile in the boards overview. 

Approval Process Options


  • Approve: A copy of the approved board is saved as a PDF and available in the board updates stream to download as a PDF.
  • Accept with edits: Users can add a small note to the approval. The note will show up in the board updates stream next to the approved copy of the board available for download.conceptboard-acceptwithedits2-opt.jpg
  • Not Approved: the board approval is cancelled and the board is unlocked. If there are a lot of changes that need to be made, click on on the ‘Not approved’ button. This will unlock the board so you can leave feedback directly in the board. 
  • Cancel approval process Editors may cancel the Approval process. Notifications will not be sent to board participants, but a message is posted in the Board Feed and the board will be unlocked. 

A board is marked as "Approved" or "Accepted with edits" once every Approver has approved, and the board remains locked. Pending approvals and completed approvals can be viewed from the boards overview page.


More Important Info

  • Only the Board Owner & Editors can start an approval process.
  • Reviewers can be asked to be part of an approval process; Readers and Guests cannot.
  • When the deadline has been missed, the participant will get an email their approval is requested. 
  • Editors can lock or unlock the board during an approval process from the Workflow dialog or Settings dialog.
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