
Users Page for Administrators

What is an Administrator?

As an administrator, you will have all the information regarding the team. You are the only person in the team that can manage and make changes to the account for the team. There can be more than one administrator in a team. 

Administrators are the only ones that can:

  • Invite users to the team
  • Delete users from the team
  • Change users' role  
  • Change any information regarding the team account: invoice address, billing information, etc.
  • Make other users as team administrators


         An Admin can make other members as team Administrator. We recommend at least  two Admins for a team which one should be available in case of vacation or an emergency. 

        However, keep in mind to try reducing amount of Admins to a minimum. Multiple Admins means multiple persons-in-charge of the team and thus, having same rights as you.

Note: An Administrator is a role that is available only for Professional accounts.


Your Users page button is located in the left hand panel of your Home or Boards screen.


Icons and Tags explained


As an administrator, your Users page shows your "My contacts" list and your "My team" list.  

The "My team" list shows the user role:

  • Role: All Pro users will be categorized as an administrator, internal user, or external user. 

My Contacts Tab

When clicking on the Users page, you will find the “My Contacts” page. Here you can list all your personal contacts:


All of your contacts in the "My contacts" list will be listed with: 

  • User name
  • Email (only members of the same team see each other's email addresses)
  • Team
  • Activation status: If the user has a darkened envelope next to their name, this means that they have activated their email address and are able to receive notifications via email. If the user has an envelope with (!) next to their name, they have not activated their email and will not be able to receive any notifications via email. 

When being on a board, you can @mention people in comments. After typing the "@" symbol a drop-down overview of your contact list and the board members will appear. You can keep typing the members name in order to narrow down your search. If you're looking for a team member that is not part of the board yet, a "Search in whole team" option will appear to let you look for the person.

Please note: @mentioning a team member in a comment who is not part of the board yet, will automatically add them as a board participant.

Ways to Add Contacts manually

There are multiple ways to add contacts to your “My contacts” list:

·   Invitation to a board
·   Invitation to your team
·   Invitation to a project

These kinds of invitations add a contact automatically to your contact list and vice-versa.

In the Team Directory


  1. Find them by their name or email address
  2. Click on the dotted menu on the right-hand side
  3. Add to contacts

In the Board


Click on the user’s icon in the board participant list in the Share dialog, or in the board overview and get more information about the users. Then click the button “Add to contacts” to add them to your contact list.

My Team Tab 


When clicking on the Users page, you will also find the ‘My team’ tab. On this page, you will see all the users that are currently on your team and the roles they have. Your team members can have 3 different roles: 

  1. Administrator: The administrator will have the same role as you.
  2. Internal user: The internal user will be able to see external users and other internal users in their contact list. This role should be set for your co-workers.
  3. External user: The external user will be able to see administrator and internal users but will not see other external users. This role should be set for your clients, suppliers, or partners.

You can view all administrators, internal users, or external users individually by clicking on the each tab listed under 'My team' in the left side panel.

Invite Users to your Team

The option to invite to your team should be used only for those users that you wish to pay for and be part of your team. Inviting users to your team is associated with the per user cost set with your license type.

If you would like to invite users to your team, internally or externally, click on the "Invite users" button in the top right corner of the Users page or Home page. Once the dialog box is open, you can invite a person as:

  • A team member (administrator or internal)
  • An external member (clients, customers, etc…)


Once you enter an email address and choose the role, click on "Send invitation(s)" button. A role can always be modified via the "My team" tab once an invitation has been sent out, under "Open invitations".

Note: You can see the message in the invitation by hovering over Invitation preview.

An email will be sent automatically to that person asking them to join the team. They will need to accept the invitation and create an account to be placed on your team. 

Still having trouble inviting a user to your team? Click here for Team Invitation Troubleshooting or contact our support team.

By default only team administrators may invite someone to the team. Only a team administrator may invite other users as admins. Learn more about Team Invitations on the Team Settings Tab.


Team administrators may choose whether team invitations need one of the admin's approval or internal users can invite new team members without an admin's approval: 

  • Only after Admins approval

Administrators will be asked to confirm that the new users can join the license. Please note, a request for adding an internal or external team member will first be sent to the administrator of your team. Once the administrator approves it, then the invitation will automatically be sent. Inviting a new user is billed as per your current plan.

  • Internal users can invite without Admin's approval

This means the Administrator of your team has allowed internal users to add new users to the team without additional approval. Inviting a new user is billed as per your current plan.

This means that internal users can increase the costs associated with your account. Learn more in our Billing FAQs

Invite to my team via My contacts 

All users that you have worked with but are not a part of your team will also be listed in this tab. These users are listed as personal contacts in which you have either shared a board with or @mentioned. You can invite them to your "My team" or remove them from your "My contacts" list.

You can easily invite others to your team via the "My contacts" list. The option to invite to your team should be used only for those users that you wish to pay for and be part of your team. 


  1. Click on the "My contacts" tab to search for your personal contacts.
  2. Click on the dotted icon next to the user’s name, and click on "Invite to my team".
  3. Once you invited a contact to your team, an email will be automatically sent to that person asking them to join the team. Meanwhile, this user will also be placed in the "Open invitations" tab, there you can select the user role as an administrator, an internal user, or an external user.
  4. They will then need to accept the invitation before being placed in your team. 

Note: A role can always be modified after the invitation has been sent out.  

Open Invitations Tab


All invitations sent out but not yet confirmed will be located in this tab. You can reinvite a user, revoke the invitation, or change the role of the intended user.

Once an invitation is sent out by an Administrator, the invitation counts as a user on your team. This means that open invitations are billed as per your current plan. If the intended user has lost their invitation, you can resend it by clicking on the reinvite link located at the three-dot menu (right-side, besides the designated Roles). 

Changing the Role of a Specific User


You can easily change the role of any user that is in your "My team" list. Click on the drop down button and choose which role the user will have. You can change the role of a user as many times as you like.

You can set a user as an administrator, internal user, or external user. Read more about user roles in the team

Removing a Contact


To remove someone from your "My contacts" list is very simple. Click on the dotted menu on the right-hand side and click on the "Remove from contacts" button. 

Removing a User from your Team


To remove someone from your team, click on the dotted menu on the right-hand side and click on the "Remove from team" button. 


A separate dialog where you can choose to delete the user or downgrade them will appear. You will be asked to input your password to confirm the decision. Please note, administrators are the only ones that can downgrade or remove a user from the team.  


If you delete a user:

  • All their private boards will be deleted!
  • All boards that have been shared and accessed by other team members will have ownership transferred to a team member that is an editor. If there wasn't any other editor on the board, the board will be deleted permanently. 
  • Any comments or annotations they made on other people's boards will still exist, as Name (Deleted User).
  • User deletion is permanent and can not be undone. 

When deleting a user, please make sure, that you have access to all of the content that you need. Please confirm, that any other user of your team can inherit the board ownerships by being an editor of those boards. 


If you downgrade a user:

  • The user will be downgraded to a free non-commercial license and removed from your team.
  • The user will retain ownership of any boards they have created.
  • User can still access any boards that have been shared with them.
  • All professional features will be disabled on their account.  
  • The user can then join another team or create their own team. 


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